Based on the beloved, timeless film, this heartwarming musical adaptation features seventeen Irving Berlin songs and a book by David Ives and Paul Blake. The dazzling score features well known standards including Blue Skies, I Love A Piano, How Deep Is the Ocean and the perennial favorite, White Christmas. WHITE CHRISTMAS is an uplifting musical.
Bob Wallace - David Anderson, Matt Wilcox
Phil Davis - Darren Promer, Tim Wright
Betty Haynes - Haley Kluge, Aubrey Shaw
Judy Haynes - Linda Burns, Ellie Olds
General Waverly - Justin Hess, Nick VanAcker
Martha Watson - Olivia Brandt, Mara Carter
Susan Waverly - Ellie Zerman
Ralph Sheldrake - Chris Reynolds
Rita - Zoe Halbeisen
Rhoda - Jamelah Travis
Ezekiel Foster - Rollin Brummette
Mike - Trevor DeVine
Tessie - Michaela Valo
Jimmy - Ben Arking
Cigarette Girl - Liz Burkhardt
Dance Captain - Lizzie Rodeck
Snoring Man - George Marshall
Mrs. Snoring Man - Kirsten Eby
Train Conductor - David Larner
Sheldrake's Secretary - Reshay Tanasse
Seamstress - Audrey Searles
Assistant Seamstress - Rachel Rayl
Feature Dancers - Rachel Churchill, Elizabeth Konen, Emily Konen, Kaleigh Merz, Ally Osika, Elizabeth Rodeck, Diana Thompson, Rike Zeidler
Chorus Dancers - Jake Danders, Brooke Fox, George Marshall, Taylor McPhail, Michaela Valo
Chorus - Abbie Bristol, Jillian Brown, Rourke Brummette, Olivia Conaty, Lydia Fehrenback-Wells, Rayne Garvie, Courtney Hansen, Jeremy Hendra, Nicole Hengesbach, Natalya Iversen, Hana Kamel, Emily Klatt, Steven Klingbiel, Alyssa Larner, Bryanna Leach, Tony McCrackin, Carly McDevitt, Carol Nesbitt, Elizabeth Nesbitt, Sierra Nugent, Emily Pollard, Sisco Robles, Jacob Ross, Sophia Ruark, Madi Sattler, Haley Schaner, Emily Schell, Tessa Shaw, Erin Shipman, Bronwyn Sowle, Lydia Stevens, Noah VanCourt, Elizabeth Westfall, Katie Wilson
Children - Avery Clark, Delayne Hengesbach, Brendan Marsh, Madelyn Marsh, Toby Zerman
Director, Vocal/Pit Director - Sheri Tulloch
Assistant Director - Courtney Clafflin
Choreographer - Tracy Clark
Costumer - Erin Marsh
Producer - Ben Lorson
Technical Supervisor - Tim Daniel
Student Directors -Emma Cummings,
Marissa Pomaville